Career Profile

GIS-analyst specialising in spatiotemporal analysis of landscape dynamics (vegetation, forest fires, landuse).

I have work experience:

  • in major GIS applications (QGIS, ArcGIS, MapInfo)
  • in programming in Python, including working with libraries for spatial data processing (GDAL, Rasterio, GeoPandas, Pyproj) and libraries for machine learning (Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Lightning, Keras, Transformers)
  • in working with PostgreSQL databases
  • in processing UAV imagery data in ODM, Metashape

Ready to relocate anywhere.

Publications: ORCID, ELibrary


PhD in Soil Science

2022 - 2026
Tyumen State University
  • My PhD thesis will be about geospatial modelling of forest and wetland vegetation in Western Siberia
  • Winner of Earth Sciences section of Science of the Future - Science of the youth conference

Master in Ecology

2020 - 2022
Moscow State University

Grade: 4.5

  • Master thesis on vegetation modelling of Western Siberian forests using deep learning methods

Bachelor in Geography

2016 - 2020
Tyumen State University

Grade: 5.0

  • Bachelor thesis about fire dynamics in forest tundras of Western Siberia
  • Awarded with a winner diploma of Ya-Profi ecology olympiad in 2018 and 2020
  • All-Russian Olympiad Grant beneficiary
  • Scholarship from Rosneft


Junior researcher

2020 - 2022
Tyumen State University, Tyumen
  • I created a model of Western Siberian forests using deep learning methods

I have trained a DeepLab v3 convolutional neural network for modeling of the dominant tree species, type and quality of the forest using Sentinel-2 imagery, ASTER GDEM and ESA WorldCover datasets. The accuracy of the model was 88%. I also proved the possibility of using the model throughout the whole taiga zone of Western Siberia.

  • I investigated how climate change and infrastructure development influenced mega fires dynamics in Western Siberian forest tundras

I estimated areas affected by fires in the period from 1985 to 2018 and the correlation between the main climatic indicators and the frequency of mega fires occurrence. I investigated the consequences of fires - a violation of the extremely slowly recovering lichen cover and an increase in depth of the seasonally thawed layer of permafrost.

  • I worked in a precision farming project

I collected soil samples in several agricultural fields and processed UAV multispectral imagery that covers area of these fields using Metashape software and calculated vegetation indices.

Research assistiant

2021 - 2022
Centre of Ecological Innovatons, Moscow

I investigated how oil mining companies can decrease their carbon footprint by saving forests from fires in Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk regions

I accessed the fire damage in areas where additional fire fighting measures are being taken, and in areas where such measures are not carried out. Further, I estimated the amount of prevented carbon emission in case if fire prevention measures will be implemented in the whole investigation area.

I analyzed forest recovery on former agricultural lands for Altai afforestation project

Data analyst

Habidatum, Moscow

I calculated 14 ecological variables in 120 biggest russian cities for life quality assessment

I estimated the shares of protected areas, green and industrial zones in the total area of cities, the density of the street and road network, the change in the area of the green zones, the built-up area and the water level in reservoirs over time, the density of buildings per capita and the gap between the rate of development of the territory and the rate of population change in cities using different spatial datasets.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Earth Monitoring MOOC


Spatial Data Science: The New Frontier in Analytics MOOC


Pet projects

Remote Sensing Processor - is a Python library for for geospatial raster data processing. RSP can preprocess Sentinel-2 and Landsat imagery, create raster mosaics, calculate vegetation indices and perform image segmentation tasks using machine learning models. RSP also have a GUI - the ML4QGIS plugin.


  • Spatiotemporal Analysis of Wildfires in the Forest Tundra of Western Siberia
  • Moskovchenko, D. V., Aref’ev, S. P., Moskovchenko, M. D., Yurtaev, A. A
    Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 13, 2020
  • Remote sensing of landscape dynamics of the Zapolyarnoye gas field
  • Moskovchenko M.D.
    5​ th​ European Conference on Permafrost: Book of abstracts

    Skills & Proficiency



    Data Analysis



    UAV data processing